Caliper Inch = Diameter measurement of the tree trunk. Trees four inches or less are measured six inches off of the ground. Trees four inches or more are measured 12 inches off of the ground.
Trees will be planted with our tree transplanting equipment. Our prices are quoted with the provision that we can dig holes with our tree transplanting equipment. Stump removal is an additional charge.
Not all tree varieties are available in all sizes.
Prices are subject to change without notice. Prices for ornamental and special order trees may vary. Fruit trees are contained differently and priced differently.
Difficult/no access jobs may be at a higher price.
A mileage fee will be added to work outside of central Arkansas.
A 3% transaction fee will be applied to all transactions paid by credit card.
The utilities must be located before any transplanting can begin. Bemis will contact Arkansas One-Call. AOC does not mark private utilities. Bemis will use great care not to cause any damage, but we will not be responsible for the repair of any private lines or property: water, sprinkler, sewer, sidewalks, driveways, curbs, stonework or ruts left in the ground. Our loaded 90″ tree transplanter truck weighs 40,000 lbs and is around the size of a cement truck.